Paypal is an International Payment Gateway that able to integrate with Unicart. If you focus on international market and decided Paypal as the Payment Gateway, please perform steps below to integrate Paypal on your Unicart store.
Step 1: Register Paypal merchant account
Step 2: Set up Paypal integration
Step 3: Test checkout via Paypal
Step 1: Register Paypal merchant account
1. Register a Paypal account from Paypal website.
2. Go to Settings page, choose Account Settings.
2. Click on Notifications, search for Instant payment notifications and click Update.
3. Enter your domain name in Notification URL, select Receive IPN messages and Save.
Step 2: Set up Paypal integration
Once your Paypal account is created, login to your Unicart Admin Panel and proceed to Paypal integration.
1. Click Settings from the bottom left panel.
4. Choose Paypal.
5. Fill in the required detail.
E-Mail*: The email address that you registered for Paypal account.
Transaction Mode*: Sales.
Title: The payment name to display in Payment Method Step during check out process.
Total*: The minimum order amount that allows customers to use Paypal. For example: 0.1.
10 Remarks*: These are the Callback status that Paypal would send to Unicart and reflect on order remark. Please remain the 10 remarks by default setting.
Geo Zone*: The customer location that can use Paypal.
Sandbox Mode*: Disabled.
Debug Mode*: Disabled.
Customer Group: The Customer Group that entitled for this payment method. Leave it blank if you apply to all customers.
Payment Settings: Extra transaction charges applied to the customer.
Status*: Enabled to make it live on your Unicart store.
6. When it is complete, click Install button.
7. Click Clear Cache from bottom left panel to have changes on your Unicart store.
Step 3: Test checkout via Paypal
Now you have activated Paypal on your Unicart store. Please try to make purchase via Paypal on your Unicart store to check if you have successfully redirected to Paypal page to proceed payment. If you manage to reach to Paypal page to make payment, you have successfully integrated Paypal and Paypal is live on your Unicart store now.