Paydibs is a payment service provider that accepts online payments and mobile payments. Let’s go through the steps below to integrate Paydibs for your Unicart online store.

Step 1: Sign up Paydibs merchant account
Step 2: Set up Paydibs integration
Step 3: Test checkout via Paydibs

Step 1: Step 1: Sign up Paydibs merchant account

Kindly contact or email the Paydibs representative to sign up a merchant account for your Unicart webstore. The Paydibs representative will guide you on the registration process with the documents required.

Step 2: Set up Paydibs integration

1. Go to Settings from Unicart Backend Admin.

2. Click on the Payment menu.

3. Then, click on the ‘Add Payment‘ button on the top.

4. Select Paydibs payment method.

5. Insert the Merchant ID and Merchant Password for integration.

Status: Enable to make it available during the checkout process.

Merchant ID*: Merchant ID which get from Paydibs Team.

Merchant Password*: Merchant Password which get from Paydibs Team.

Display Name: The payment name to display during checkout process.

Minimum Amount: The minimum amount of money must be reached before this payment method can be used.

6. Fill up the information below.

Callback Success Status: Your preferred order remark for success status based on Paydibs callback. For example: Paid, Completed.

Callback Failed Status: Your preferred order remark for failed status based on Paydibs callback. For example: Cancelled.

Customer Group: The Customer Group that entitled for this payment method. Leave it blank if you apply to all customers.

Geo Zone: The customer location that can use Paydibs Payment.

Payment Settings: Extra transaction charges applied to the customer.

7. Click on the ‘Install‘ button once done.

Step 3: Test checkout via Paydibs

1. Try to make purchase via Paydibs on your Unicart store to check if you have successfully redirected to Paydibs page to proceed payment, to ensure a better customers’ checkout experience.

2. If you manage to reach to Paydibs page to make payment, you have successfully integrated Paydibs and Paydibs is live on your Unicart store now. Congratulation!