Cash On Delivery is a payment method which you offer customers to pay at the time they receive products rather than in advance. Before enabling Cash On Delivery on your Unicart store, it is recommended to check with your courier service provider if they provide Cash on Delivery service. Let’s learn how to set up Cash On Delivery on your Unicart store.


1. Navigate to Settings from bottom left panel and choose Payment.

2. Click Add Payment on top right.

3. Choose Cash On Delivery.

4. Fill in the required fields.

Total: The minimum amount purchase required to use this payment method.

Remark: Your preferred order remark that paid via Cash On Delivery. Pending is recommended.

Geo Zone*: Customer location where Courier Service Provider can provide Cash On Delivery.

Customer Group: Customer Group that can use this payment method. Leave it blank if you apply to all customers.

Status*: Enable to publish this payment method on your Unicart store.

5. When it is complete, click Install button.

6. Click Clear Cache button from bottom left panel to have changes on Unicart store.

7. Now you have activated Cash On Delivery on your Unicart store. Please try to make purchase on your Unicart store to check if Cash On Delivery option is listed as a payment method. If you see Cash On Delivery option is appeared at Payment Method step during checkout process, you have successfully activated Cash On Delivery and it is live on your Unicart store now.