You can import your existing customers’ data to use in your Unicart store and also export your customers’ details for back up purpose.

Importing Customers
Exporting Customers

Importing Customers

1. Navigate to Customers page, click More icon and choose Import.

2. Click Sample CSV button to download Unicart’s Customers CSV format.

3. Open the downloaded sample Customers CSV file via Open Office. Download Open Office.

4. Ensure the settings are correct especially Character SetSeparator Options and Text Delimeter. Click OK button.

5. Fill up the fields based on Unicart format in the CSV file.

Note: You may delete the columns which will not be updated except for the required (red) columns.  

Column Description Sample Data
first_name First name of the customer Ali
last_name Last name of the customer Mohd Hassan
email Unique email address. It is used to represent each of the customers so it cannot be updated and removed. [email protected]
telephone Valid contact number 0123456789
fax Valid fax number 031234567
company Company name ABC Company
company_id Company registration ID 12345-M
address_1 Customer address 123, Summer Place Condo
address_2 Alternative address American Street
city City of the address Georgetown
country Country of the address Malaysia
postcode Postcode of the address 12345
state State of the address Pulau Pinang
custom_group Customer Group Default
newsletter The will to subscribe to newsletter  1 (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
birthday_date Customer birth date  2018-03-25 (YYYY-MM-DD)


6. Click Save icon and choose Keep Current Format option.

7. On the Customer CSV page, click Choose File button to upload the modified customers.csv. Click Next button.

Congratulations! You have successfully imported the Customers CSV file on your Unicart store.

If you tried to import data with an incorrect format, Unicart will return 2 results.

1. Columns with error will be skipped, which means the particular customer will not be added nor updated.

2. Columns with warning can be still imported with the default value according to the rules.

Ensure you have entered with right format of data, click Reupload CSV button to try import again.

Exporting Customers

1. Navigate to Customers page, click More icon and choose Export.

2. You may filter or select customers first before exporting.

3. Tick Export option and proceed with Export button.

4. Customers’ data will be downloaded in CSV file.


Learn more about how to manage customer account.