Too many products to update in a short time? Instead of updating all your products one by one in the system, you can now export all your products as a CSV file, amend the products in the CSV file, and import it to your Unicart store when it is complete.

Step 1: Export Products List
Step 2: Bulk Update Products in CSV
Step 3: Import Products List

Step 1: Export Products List

1. Navigate to Products page, you may filter or select products first before exporting.

2. On the Products page, Click More icon and choose Export.

3. Tick Export option and proceed with Export button.

Standard Version comes with product_id, name, sku, price, quantity, category…5, brand, status, weight, weight_class, and variant settings.

Full Version comes with all the product fields.

4. Products’ data will be downloaded in CSV file.

Step 2: Bulk Update Products in CSV

1. Open the downloaded sample Products CSV file via Open Office. Download Open Office.

2. Ensure the settings are correct especially Character SetSeparator Options and Text Delimeter. Click OK button.


3. Update the product details based on Unicart format in the CSV file.


  • You may delete the columns which will not be updated except for the required (red) columns. 
  • Avoid using (/) symbol in CSV as it will affect the importing process.
  • Each CSV import supports 1000 rows. If you have more than 1000 rows, please save it separately. 
Column Description Sample Data
product_id Unique Product ID is auto-generated after creation to represents each of the products. Unicart updates products based on Product ID so it cannot be updated and removed. Leaving it empty for a particular product, it will create a new product instead of replacing the existing product. 100
name Product name. Apple Cinema 30″
sku Product identity code. A001
price Unit price. 2500.00
quantity Stock quantity to sell. 10
cost Cost price. 2300.00
category Category group. The category must be created in Unicart first. Desktop
category_2 … Additional Category group. The category must be created in Unicart first. Desktop > Monitor (subcategory)
brand Brand name. The brand must be created in Unicart first. Apple
status Condition to publish a product. 1 (Enable = 1, Disable = 0)
sorting Display in ascending order. 1, 2, 3
date_available Date to publish. 2018-05-25 (YYYY-MM-DD)
description Product Specification. Require HTML code to align the content. <p> This is testing product for CSV used.</p>
minimum_quantity Minimum quantity to be purchased. 1
maximum_quantity Maximum quantity to be purchased. 1
subtract_stock (Track Inventory) The availability to deduct stock automatically when order made. 1 (Yes = 1, No = 0)
shipping The need of parcel delivery to charge a shipping fee. (Yes = 1, No = 0)
length (Dimension) Length of a product. A mandatory field for Lazada sync. 100
width (Dimension) Width of a product. A mandatory field for Lazada sync. 50
height (Dimension) Height of a product. A mandatory field for Lazada sync. 20
length_class Dimension measurement. Centimeter / Inch / Millimeter
weight Weight of a product. A mandatory field for Lazada sync. 1000
weight_class Weight measurement. Kilogram / Gram
meta_description (SEO) Meta tag description with limit of 250 characters. You may leave it blank as Google will capture the product description automatically. Apple Cinema 30″ is a …
page_title (SEO) Page title with limit of 70 characters. You may leave it blank as Unicart will take the product name for page title automatically. Unique Apple Cinema 30″
seo (SEO) SEO friendly URL with no spacing and special symbols except for dash (-). You may leave it blank as Unicart will take the product name for SEO URL automatically. apple-cinema-30-inches
highlight Selling points of a product. A mandatory field for Lazada sync. Require HTML code to align the content. <ul><li>Highlight 1</li><li>Highlight 2</li></ul>
whatbox What’s in the Box. A mandatory field for Lazada sync. Require HTML code to align the content.  1 x Cable, 1 x Charger, 2 x Battery
tax_class_id Product subject to tax. Please check with our support to get accurate tax class ID if you are tax registered company. 14 (Default tax id is 14, no tax applied is -1)
tag Hashtag to filter out products that have same tag. HD display
image Image link to upload as product thumbnail for new product only. Image must be uploaded to Image Manager first to store in our server and generate image path link.  https://www… (path from image manager only)
image_1 … Additional images link to upload as product thumbnail up to image_20, for new product only. Image must be uploaded to Image Manager first to store in our server and generate image path link.  https://www… (path from image manager only)
 Variant Section will be added one row below the main product detail, with repeated Main SKU to indicate.
variant_type Display variants in Radio button or Drop Down List. radio / select
variant_sku Product variant identity code. P1002-Blue
option_name_1…3 Readable option name. Color  / Size
option_value_1…3 Readable option value. Red, Blue / S, M, L
variant_quantity The available quantity of the variant. 3
variant_price Additional price incurred to select the choice of the product. 5
price_prefix Indicate increase/decrease the price from the main price. + / –
variant_points Additional points required to redeem if the choice of the product is selected. 10
points_prefix Indicate increase/decrease the points from the pre-set redeemed point. + / –
variant_weight Additional weight to add on top of the main weight. 1
weight_prefix Indicate increase/decrease the weight from the main weight. / –
variant_sorting Arrange the sequence of a variant in ascending order to be displayed on Unicart store. 1  / 2 / 3
variant_subtract_stock The availability to deduct variant stock automatically when order made. (Yes = 1, No = 0)

4. Click Save icon and choose Keep Current Format option.

Step 3: Import Products List

1. On the Products page, click More icon and choose Import.

2. Click Choose File button to upload the modified products.csv. Click Next button.

3. Preview the data and click Proceed button.

Congratulations! You have successfully imported the Products CSV file on your Unicart store.

If you tried to import data with an incorrect format, Unicart will return 2 results.

1. Columns with error will be skipped, which means the particular customer will not be added nor updated.

2. Columns with warning can be still imported with the default value according to the rules.

Ensure that you have entered with right format of data, click Reupload CSV button to try import again.